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Lash and Brow Looks for Mature Ladies

Lash and Brow Looks for Mature Ladies

Published on 1-26-2023

Great lashes and beautiful brows are not age restricted. Anyone can look and feel their best with this winning combo, even mature ladies! All that really matters is finding the right look for your face. That’s what our lash artists love to help you do!

Lashes for Youthful Looks

Lifted lashes can renew tired eyes, young or old. Ultimately, the best look for you is the one that makes you feel the most beautiful. But there are a few tips we have found that help older ones find the most complimentary look. For mature eyes, most people want to achieve a lifted look. For this reason, we recommend avoiding long lash extensions on the outer corner of the eye. Sometimes longer lashes placed here can make the eye appear droopy, which is the opposite effect you are trying to achieve. Another thing that helps create a lifted look are curls, which lift the eyes back up. A really dramatic eyelash curl or even a lash-lifting treatment can create the perfect, lasting bright-eyed look. A lash lift, specifically, is a great treatment if you want a more subtle look.

Eyebrows for Youthful Looks

Our hair changes as we get older, on our heads, as well as on our faces. The natural shape of your eyebrows may become less defined over time or the color of your eyebrows may change. We can help bring definition back to your brows with our brow tinting service. Similar to when you get your head of hair dyed, a brow tint deposits color into your eyebrows. What is the best color to choose for a brow tint? Well, that depends on you and what look you like! Generally speaking though, a shade that is slightly darker than the hair on your head is pretty flattering. If your head is all gray, a soft, medium brown tint can frame your face nicely. All in all, lash extensions and brow tints are not reserved simply for those in their 20s. Those with fine lines and mature eyes can get a lifted look thanks to these services. Visit our salon to get a look that is created custom for you!

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